Sunday, February 19, 2006

Boot Camp

I'm starting work tomorrow - full time! Yes, I am very excited and I've had a lovely time taking a break from life for the past year. It's been lots of fun renovating, playing in the garden, painting, going to the beach and staying up as late as one can do on weekdays. Merciless pleasure pimping at home with wreckless cooking and wining with neighbours. Sigh, the joys of life.

I have spent this on my "favourite things". Hooked up with friends, had lots of wine, food and laughter. Right now, I am getting ready to organize my wardrobe, study up before the big day and go to bed at a reasonable hour to wake up in the darling cold that Canada is experiencing at the moment.

This week will probably zip by very quickly, with moments of horror and terror scheduled in at work. Change is good! I'm definitely looking forward to the piece of paper that shows a payable lumpsum to my name (most of which will be spent on food and clothing....)

I'm wishing all of you a good week and will post to give the scoop on the job thing. Have chores to do now! (what a concept!)


At 9:00 a.m., Blogger Sal DeTraglia said...

Ah, work! 'Tis the scourge of the drinking class!

Good luck with the new job. First week is always the worst. You'll appreciate Fridays much more from now on.


At 6:17 p.m., Blogger nyana said...

Haha, thank you for the cheer guys!
Sal: yeah, it is a bit tough I have to admit. A bit on the drained side dealing with people and trying to get them to do stuff for me. I will be really happy by the time weekend rolls around! (wine wine wine)

James: Thanks for dropping by! The answer to your question is in the new post. How are your German classes going?


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