Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ceteris Paribus

Have I explained why my blog is called Ceteris Paribus? This is actually a term in economics, latin for "Everything else remaining equal or held constant."

When economists build models to explain the real world, they propose theories that help explain isolated issues. But of course, no one issue is standalone - it's always affected by something else.
e.g. Stock prices don't necessarily depend on the performance of a company. Political and social situations play a great role; like burger chains - they lost a fair bit of money because everyone is eating healthy these days.

Of course in the real world, it's impossible to hold things constant. Everything is transient and we're not in a position to change that at all. Because my blog is always here and changes according to my needs and wishes... (and doesn't talk back to me) - it's Ceteris Paribus: It's the only aspect of my life that is held constant or controlled at desirable portions.


At 10:33 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting piece of information
the economics of blogging - lol
now that's an idea!

At 1:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

söylemeyi unutmusum:
piyale madra'nin çizgileri her gün radikal'de yayinlaniyor. den okumak mümkün dolayisiyla.

At 7:50 a.m., Blogger Di Mackey said...

I love the name and made a note of the definition.



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